Soft Tissue Damage
The majority of the time, biting your tongue and cheek is of little consequence beyond being an irritation. Any cuts or puncture that may have resulted will often heal on their own. But sometimes, accidents like these, and any others that lead to damage to the soft tissue in your mouth, can lead to a dental emergency.
If you are suffering from soft tissue damage in Munster, Indiana, contact All Smiles Munster immediately so that we can get you in as soon as possible to see our dentist.
Wounds to the tongue and cheeks will often bleed a lot, most of the time the bleeding can be controlled by cleaning it gently with a clean cloth and then applying a cold compress. But if you are experiencing heavy bleeding or bleeding that will not stop after a short amount of time, seek treatment immediately at the emergency room or from Dr. Bunmi Adekugbe.
It is very important to seek treatment for serious soft tissue damage because untreated injuries can end up becoming infected. If you find increased redness, a fever or pus in the wound, you need to seek additional care immediately. An antibiotic prescribed by your physician can help to treat the infection.
Call 219-838-7703 immediately for emergency dental care.